Sunday, November 04, 2007

Another Season Gone

It seems that fall is pretty well done here. The nice weather has given way to some cold, and I mean COLD, rain. The clouds are looking more like snow clouds than rain clouds and daylight savings is over, making it darker earlier. All of these signs, coupled with the loss of most leaves, shows that winter isn't all that far away.
Fortunately, over the last 3 weeks, I've put a new roof on parts of my house/garage and seem to have taken care of all the little issues. Glad it's over!! I'm not built for being on a roof.
I'll most likely get the 'Cuda out some more before the salt shakers have their way with the roads, but that season is drawing to a close too. I guess it's time to roll up the windows to stay warm and to keep an eye on the weather maps.
One really good part is that deer season opens early this year, due to the early Thanksgiving. That season is a busy one, with the family business being sporting goods. Long days and last minute emergencies are the norm. I'll hunt, but don't really get that excited about rifle season. It's not really that difficult to get within a few hundred yards of these creatures. I save most of my effort for traditional flint lock season. That's more fun, with a much shorter range, less accuracy and the ever present possibility that it won't go off the first, second, third or even fourth time. Then of course there is the cloud of smoke that appears an instant before the gun discharges allow lots of time to flinch and throw the shot off the desired path.
I guess I'm fairly ready for this seasonal change, but will start to clean out a spot for a second vehicle for the winter. That extra bay just seems to be constantly full of one project or another. Maybe it's time to think about a bigger garage?