Saturday, December 01, 2007

Snow's Here

We've had a couple of snows here recently. Even though the roads hae been clear, there is still salt on them, so the car is under cover for a while. I'm still waiting for some parts so I can convert it to disk brakes and a bigger bolt pattern to match more wheels. That's a project that I'm hoping to finish during the winter, which makes me think about how/when people in other parts of the country without that mandated winter down time for cars like this get their projects done. Oh well, just another thing running through my head.
We're expecting some snow, rain, ice and more snow tomorrow. That should be interesting. Other than that, all is well here, work is fine, life is fine and I'm currently leading the fall league at my local gun club. The numbers are pretty low, but it feels good to be shooting well. I'm getting used to the most recent gun purchase and starting to shoot it pretty well. The colors are bit much, but I'm used to the jabs I get for using it.
As the days get shorter, the amount I accomplish outside wanes and my interests turn to inside projects and the computer. I should be keeping up on the posts more now that I have an excuse not to be outside doing something else. Wasting nice weather seems silly, so I try not to. Now maybe I'll get to cleaning the school's target rifles that I received after camp, which ended about two months ago. Another thing I haven't been able to designate time for...soon I guess. There's always something to occupy time.