Wednesday, June 11, 2008

All's Good

Everything is going well at this point. The car is running strong, fishing has been good and nothing serious has been brought to my attention. No complaints.
The first real car show of the season has come and gone. Well over 100 miles on the odometer and a bit less rubber in the back, but nothing big. As always, it was fun and worth the time to see friends and enjoy the hobby. The only little downfall was spending hours getting the rubber off of the quarter panels...which was still worth it. That little car is running great.
On top of the great running, the car is now fully insured. When I was talking to my agent I wanted to make sure that it was covered under the towing and ended up with full coverage too. For the price, I'd be insane not to cover it. That little bit makes it a little easier to take the longer trips to shows.
While the distance is something, the next show I'll go to is under a mile from home. That's a nice little event in the shade and is usually quite peaceful. Laid back and relaxing is a good thing. No big egos and no expectations, just a meeting of car people.
Other than the car, this summer has brought some enjoyable fishing. Nothing spectacular, but good fish each time out. After a number of really hot and humid days, it's time to get back after it and see if the fish will still bite. That's my plan for the evening. Hit a couple of little streams and see what's still hungry. Another relaxing PM for me. With work done for a couple of months, it's time for a little R & R. I still take care of what I have to, like changing rooms at work and the yard, but I have more time for the good stuff.
I actually golfed for the first time in at least 6 years. It went well for 4 holes until weather moved in. I was just happy not to have lost a ball and only to have been a few over par...which for me is really good. I had 3 bogeys and was sitting at 3 about 10 feet from the pin on a par 5 when the sky opened up. That is a relaxing sport if you don't take it too seriously. Maybe there will be more in my future who knows.
For tonight, it's time now that I take off and fish some more. After the sun gets a little lower in the sky, it's a good time to find a little shady spot on a little stream and see which fish are in the mood for food. I'll fish for a few hours, make myself some dinner and then get to the mowing. I'll be mowing until about dark , but I'd hate to waste good fishing time on something that isn't that much fun or rewarding. So, at this point, I'm off to fish. :)