Tuesday, July 25, 2006

More possitve thinking

OK, the last post sat on the computer for a day, was read and reread by me before being put out there for all to see. That one may not be posted later on, if I decide that it doesn't belong in the public domain, but we'll have to see how I feel.

I'd like to take a more positive outlook today. I'm learning many things that will improve the lives of my students, am relatively healthy, have gainful employment, supportive and helpful friends and relatively minor problems. I may complain a bit, but I'm really pretty darn happy. I chose my lot in life. I chose to do what I do. I chose to work 2-3 jobs, mostly 7 days a week. I chose to do 5, 12 hour days and keep the second job on the weekends. I left this to teach. I still choose to have a 2nd and a 3rd job while taking classes. These choices make me who I am. I'm confident that very few can truly call me lazy. I'm proud of what I do and most of the things I've done. I've made mistakes and a few enemies. That's part of life. When I'm perfect I'll let everyone know :) and will expect full acknowledgement for it. Until then, I'll continue to do the best that I can with what I have.
I see good things in the future moderated by the common setbacks and challenges. Life wouldn't really be fun without the challenges and the lunatics that we sometimes have to deal with. At least I can say that I'm not perfect, but I'm not as bad as (put name here). The irrational people really make me appreciate where I came from and where I'm going. Maybe they weren't taught any better or have lost sight of what's really important.
Today, I look at all of the good things in my life and think that I'm darn lucky. Today I choose to be positive and see the funnier side of my problems, no matter what they are, they'll be taken care of in due time. Some will be worse than others, but as long as I have my word and my character I'm me.
In time, some of my current problems may become the subject matter of my blogs, others may become gripes and yet others funny anecdotes on life. No matter what happens or how much my mistakes may cost me, I’ll continue to learn from them and become better at what I do and a better person for my trials. One really good way of looking at is that errors only happen when someone is trying and that mistakes are the results of unfixed errors. When you fix an error, it doesn’t become a mistake.

No matter how rough the hand you’re dealt looks, try to find something that is good in it and work to improve it.

Good luck :)

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