Monday, August 28, 2006

An Explanation

I have recieved a few complaints about my last post...some people email me instead of posting a comment, which is OK, but I've had a few complaints about that last one. I explained that I write what I think, and other than using spell check occasionally, I really don't edit my thoughts. Those were my thoughts that day. That's all there is to it. I see this informal medium as a place that I don't need to critically consider each comment and verb choice. I write about what's on my mind that moment. Other than a few required posts for classes, I really haven't planned out an entry, I just type. I hope that explains some of things that may get into these postings and why there may be some wandering thoughts that could be stated more clearly and in fewer words.
I will try to keep them MUCH shorter though...that one was a bit too long. It's a good thing I don't teach english I guess :)

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