Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Cold Shoulder

Since leaving the AE program, I've been getting the cold shoulder from some involved in the program. It's really quite interesting to see that I'm looked at in a negative light over this. "I knew you wouldn't last." was the first thing I heard from a co-worker. I asked her how long she's been in AE...knowing full well that she's been in since the start of this school year and is only interested in the pay. I reminded her that I did a 7 year stint working with the most troubled students in the tri county area, then did 3 more in AE day and night, spending 12 hours a day in the very building that she is working in(only a few hours here and there) and that I know a good deal more than she does. I also let her know that bringing expelled drug kids together spells trouble when there are no steadfast rules. All has gone well so far, but she should not call me when something goes one listened to me and it will not be any doing of mine when someone is seriously hurt over this lousy program.
At least I feel much better about my decision to leave. Those who have the most to say are the ones that I had the least respect for in the first place, so nothing really changed in my book. I just have more time to hunt and have completely winterized the 'Cuda for the LONG snowy season. I got out with my pride and my standards in tact. I am looking for another position in which I can make a difference, but really don't mind a little extra time for fun either. Two jobs aren’t too bad really and with friends coming in for the second muzzle loader season this new time will be taken advantage of.
Overall though, I have been keeping pretty quiet about the reasons for my departure, generally stating "philosophical differences" as the main reason. I just hope some one wakes up before it's really too late and our little school makes the national news! Blind trust is a scary thing, as are people that just don't understand that all people aren't naturally good at heart with the warm fuzzies and caring every day. A few are snowed very easily and think they are really connecting when they are really just being manipulated and taken advantage of...sad but real. Blinders: good for race horses, bad for AE educators.
At any rate, I vow to post a positive note next time, no matter what it is. This little AE issue is really the only negative I have right now...all things are well and the classes are good, kids are working well overall and are really doing what they need to. I guess I killed the only real negative in my life lately! That does feel good. :)

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