Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hello once again. I know that it's been a little while since any posts, but things have been pretty busy. Nothing too big, just life's little issues. Here's an update: Spring has sprung here in NW PA, which means that the 'Cuda is again on the road...OK, so it's just had the oil changed today and has only done about 1/2 mile so far, but at least it's out again.
The day job has been OK, although this is the first year that I've had some major parental issues which have really irritated me in their baseless accusations and psychotic manifestations. I really can't go any deeper into that realm at this time, but suffice it to say that not everyone has a realistic view of the world around them. WOW ( I'm so happy I'm not that unstable) is all I can really say!
The weekend job is doing well, with one of the busiest seasons we've had for the last number of years finishing soon. I won the last two leagues and have started to branch out and visit other places to see how I fare...so far so good. I guess that shooting is something that comes naturally and is really, really fun too...too bad this can't be my full time job-it would really make complaints much easier to deal with :)
Other than that, I'm looking forward to another fishing season and am awaiting the chance to get out and waste some time wandering up and down the local streams in search of solice and the occasional fish.
Hope all is good where you are and that all the folks you deal with are on their medications to keep them rational and within the scope of reality!
Just remember to relax and laugh. Don't take yourself too seriously.

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