Monday, March 20, 2006

Curriculum for the masses

Curriculum Blog Entry

Curriculum is essentially, to me, all the ideas, concepts and topics expected to be passed on to students in a given amount of time. Curriculum is the general guide, at this point, established a government agency to ensure that all students are exposed to similar knowledge, no matter where they may be within our state. Curriculum to me is not unbending or set in stone. It is a general outline that an educator has to help them throughout the year. It’s an itinerary that shows you where you need to end up, but not which paths to take.
Curriculum frequently has a very negative connotation, or reputation. This appears to come from the fear that someone is telling teachers what they should be doing. The people who fear this seem to miss the idea of the useful aspect of this guide. Don’t get me wrong, I have my doubts, questions and gripes about some of the things that go on, but overall, my curriculum maps help me to remain focused. ( I start with the space science and tend to remain there longer than I ever intend. SO many late breaking events occur that can capture the imagination and interest of my students, that I can very easily get carried away!) These maps also help me to separate my year into manageable sets of ideas and topics. When you look at the world of space, the topics are endless, from the current theories of the origin of the universe, to the volcanic activity of a moon orbiting Saturn, to the lunar landings, Mars probes, Apophis, Viking 1 and 2 not getting as far as calculated, how the sun works, causes for aurora, space shuttles, the new interest in the moon, the potential for billions of dollars from the material in a single asteroid….it’s exhausting, and that just the space portion for me!( I won’t get into the Earth section of my curriculum right now.)
Without curriculum as a series of guideposts, I would have a much more difficult time balancing my material, while walking the tightrope of time. I can bend my curriculum to meet the needs of my learners and frequently take a few minutes at the end of a period to show students a “just discovered” topic that does not always relate to the day’s lesson, using the internet, a projector and a smartboard. One of these new topics could just be the idea that catches their imagination, brings what students have learned into the real world for them, or leads one of my students to pursue science. In this quest, I feel that curriculum has been quite helpful to me.


M Coleman said...

Your passion for your subject area is obvious and no doubt infectious in the classroom! It sounds like you are always looking for the "teachable moment" when presenting it to your learners, as well. From your other post, it appears that you want to learn more about the ways you can integrate technology with Smartboard - that sounds like a good plan! Do you have access to a tech coordinator or mentor with expertise? Other teachers that you could work together with this goal? Hopefully, you will gather additional ideas and skills via this class!


Shelly D said...


I too share your enthusiasm for space. I use the nineplanets for kids with my first graders. The other teachers on my grade level spend about a week on the subject. I spend about a month! That is exactly why the curriculum map was developed. I have to make sure that I cover the standards expected for that time period while allowing the students to explore something we all seem to enjoy.

I find a distinction though between the curriculum map and the curriculum. A teacher may decide to bring in different resources for her class in an effort to follow the map. One of the tensions on our curriculum committee is whether or not to allow the individual teacher to modify her map with her own resources or to require everyone to stick with a collaborative, grade-level map. I think each teacher knows his/her style and students and should have a certain amount of liberty within the confines of the map.

Good luck with the SmartBoard. There are lots of great ideas out there. Please share the ones you come up with.