Friday, June 09, 2006

Good timing

EME 5403 comes at a good time for me. I'm behind in the class, but am finding things that will be useful in the coming year. Our district is changing to a network based series of programs for the attendance, grade books and student management portions of the day to day operations of the school. The features are impressive so far, but we haven't had any hands on trials yet. One of the features that will incorporate well will be the ability to import our grade books and students lists into Excel. The form letters and notes home will be even more simplified through this interaction of programs.
The Inspiration software also brought many ideas to me, which I've put on paper so I can remember them as I'm building my plans for the following year. Couple these with the lesson plan ideas and I'm looking at a much more involved team of students next year. I'm prepared for the failures and tweaking that will most likely occur when trying new things, but that's part of it. Change is the only true constant. I intend to keep improving my lessons and trying new things. If I'm not excited about what I do, how can expect the kids to be?
Well, back to the back work to get caught up in class...I'm getting there! :)


ChristinaL said...

Sorry to just now be catching up on your posts. I know what you mean about the empty room being uninviting---rather sterile, isn't it?
How was the car show? When will you post pics of your prized wheels? You'd die if you saw the complete disarray my truck is in...dirty inide and out and now the paint is starting to wear on the hood. :( She still looks OK for a '99 though.

MHopkins said...

Thanks for the response Christina.
The car show was not that great. Turn out was low due to cool rainy weather. I guess many people don't want to get their babies wet. I left at 6 AM in the rain and didn't think twice about getting mine dirty. Three friends did bring their 70's conversion vans, which made a nice place to hang out and watch the few people who did show up walk around. We also had a little camp site set up with a BBQ which made the lunch time much better! I had a good time as usual, but didn't see the number of vehicles or old friends that I usually do.
I'll work on the pictures being posted. So far, I'm still pretty much decent at typing and keeping up with this. Adding pics isn't something that I've really messed with yet. At some point you'll see shots of the car and other such things. I'll have to learn a bit more than I know now, and get some decent quality pictures too.
Thanks again for keeping up on the postings!