Wednesday, July 04, 2007

OK, So That Didn't Work

I guess I ended up working today. I'm pretty much done with both classes and feel pretty good about my work and what I've learned. All that's left is a review of a professor and to review my writings before I submit them.
I slept in today, not really getting moving until after 8! I'm usually out of bed, fed, showered and working by about get up at 8 is rare! I feel like I waste a good part of the day when I sleep in. It's the best time for me to get things done. Nobody calls or has much to do at that time, so I have few interruptions. It's the best time for me right now.
Once up today, the sky was overcast, gray and not very inviting, so I decided to get some stuff done in front of the computer. Why wait for a sunny day? I'd rather do it now. Things change and that's just part of life. Have happy 4th and I hope the weather is better where you are today!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Sorry to hear about the crummy weather! Glad you could be productive! Hot and clear here (I am in Montana right now). If fact it is a bit too hot in that air conditioning is not as common as in Oregon. Hope it says nice, we are off to Yellowstone tomorrow.
Enjoy the next sunny day!!!