Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Things Change

Well, the fishing trip didn't work out...too many other things to take care of. I guess it's a good thing, it was rough on the lake on Thursday and there was at least one injury on board due to the wave heights. On top of that, the fishing wasn't too great any way.
The weather has been very good lately, so I've shot several rounds at five stand and am getting used to the new gun. The scores should be better soon. Class is going pretty well, and I'm only behind on the video part. I hope to take care of this ASAP...meet with my actors today(if they remember). After that it should be pretty straight forward. I've toyed with the editing software and think that I'll be OK.
All is well, the car is out just about every day and so far this summer there have been few days when it's just too hot and humid to do much. It's a pretty good feeling when things are caught up and taken care of...now it's off to trim a couple of trees with a pole saw...and then dig out the drain in the back yard...and then who knows what I'll find that needs some attention. Life can be pretty slow in this rural area, and I like it!

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