Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Back to Work

Today marked the official start of another year here. Ya, it's a little late, but that's what my district chose again this year. There are goods and bads, but it seems to work out OK. The first day went pretty well, with some of the expected issues, locker troubles and lost students but nothing really major on that front. All in all it was pretty smooth for me. I still have some problems not being able to use software that I have in the past and some that I learned about this summer in classes, but I'll keep fighting there I guess. That's an entire story in itself and I'm not getting back into that now.
I just look forward to watching this new batch of students grow throughout the year and progress toward adulthood. It's interesting to see. Even the students I had last year, who return to say the first day, seem older already. That makes all the BS worthwhile I guess...and only 179 more days to go before school's over again :)

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