Monday, September 17, 2007

Life's Not Bad

Life's pretty good here overall. The weather is changing, and hunting season is in the air. It's a little cooler now, but not bad at all. We're looking at a week of really nice weather coming up too. The car's been out nearly every day lately, only sitting on Sunday due to being caught in the rain a few times on Saturday and being really filthy. It's clean again and will be out every day until the salt starts to fall from the plow trucks. I'm racking up some miles this season and enjoying the trip.
I'm getting ready to put a roof on the back part of the house/workshop soon and gearing up for this undertaking. It's been a long time in the works, but should be done well before the snow lets loose this year. Hopefully all will work out OK on that front...a leaking roof really sucks sometimes. I tried several contractors, who were all either busy or just didn't want the work, so it's up to me. We'll see how good I am at building! That should prove interesting to say the least.
It's late enough in the season that I pulled my father's boat out of the lake last weekend. I just finished repairing the trailer in time to pull the boat too. The lake is now a controlled lake that has the water drawn down throughout the winter for several reasons. The reduction of lake level makes it pretty much impossible for the boat to be removed. This year that will be early to work on the dam and gates that control the level. At least that will give me some decent weather to get into the boat and do some long needed wiring. This year, I should have all the electric working and get the lights working for night time travel, which is one of my favorite times on the water. It shouldn't be too tough, but I'd like to do it when it's warm and then put it up for the winter, being ready to go once the water flow is again restricted enough to raise the water level.
All is good! The only complaints come from work and are related to technology. Everything else seems to be going quite smoothly! Life is pretty darn good right now. There are things to be done but at least there's the feeling of accomplishment that goes with completing something. Since classes ended, I have to admit that I was a bit too idle for my taste and am looking forward to new projects. I'll post updates on the progresses as they happen. Hopefully it will be all good news!
Best of luck to all and enjoy whatever you can, whenever you can!

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