Monday, October 08, 2007

The End....well sort of

Well, it's the end of the nice weather here. It was near 90 yesterday, which is WAY above the expected. Still, I put nearly 200 miles on the 'Cuda, going to the last cruise at my favorite spot and of course lighting the hides and engulfing the area in smoke. It was a fun day and quite uneventful too. There were friendly people with an interest in and an appreciation for vehicles of all sorts. There was nothing negative to say at all! What a great way to end the cruising season.
That's not to say that the car is parked. It will be out, and driven to work until the salt shakers on the rears of the plows start to drop their contents. That's when the official end of the cruising year ends for me. My car has never seen salt, most likely never seen snow (other than watching it through the garage windows) and never will as long it's mine. Even though working on it necessitated several stitches in my finger a few weeks ago, I see that it was my fault, not the fault of that inanimate object. Just another aspect of wrenching on your own chariot. Battle scars show that I don't just drive them, I work on them. That's the sense of accomplishment for me: learning (sometimes the hard way) and getting to see the results of hard work. Maybe this winter will be the year it gets disk brakes, and a finished interior? If not, I'll drive it like it is next year...after all, it hasn't had to ride on a flat bed in a LONG time :)

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