Thursday, January 17, 2008

Been Busy

It's been a while since the last entry!! Things have been busy to say the least. While hunting took a back seat to just about everything else, I did get out enough to relax and enjoy the woods, I passed on several deer and ended up not shooting any. I don't mind and appreciate the time I had out there. Now that season is over, it's time to look at winter hiking here, which is a lot like hunting without the need to be quiet and stalk something. Just getting out and enjoying the scenery in the winter is nice. It's also nice that any rattle snakes are gone for the season and bears are hibernating for the winter too. There's not much out there this time of year that's really hazardous. Coyotes and bobcats are about all that's left on the predatory side this time of year, and they're not really interested in humans as food.
I'm still working on improving the Cuda. I'm waiting for a few parts and will start on the interior soon. If time (and money) permit, it will also get a good set of disks up front and a larger set of drums in the rear. The big engine matched with small brakes has proven to be a little sketchy.
Basketball league started last week too. While I'm again pretty out of shape to start the year, the bumps and bruises seem to hurt more than the lungs and muscles. It's not a very well policed league. This week I'm bruised from shoulder to shoulder, due to elbows in the back under the hoop and have a few good bruises about kidney high too. It's rough at times, but I still enjoy the competition, even though my team's not the best. We have fun and find reasons to keep coming back for more abuse. Even when we lose we still generally have good time.
Well, I guess that's it for now. I still have lesson plans to take care of for next week and a few other things to finish before calling it a day, so I'm done here. Maybe I'll know something about something important next time.

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