Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Still Moving On

All is continuing on a good pace here. Nothing major on the homefront to speak of. I'm just completing a superficial kitchen remodel, which hasn't been too fun so far, and have taken over the lead in our winter league. Nothing has really stood out recently as a really big deal. Life is working out pretty well at the moment. While I am a bit behind in getting the car ready for the next season, all else seems to be on schedule. No complaints/gripes to speak of.
Although I am waiting for spring to reach this locale. I am a bit tired of shoveling snow and scraping the windshield. Other than that it's just business as usual here in NW PA.
The last eclipse was impressive enough though. It was a perfectly clear evening and the best opportunity to witness a lunar eclipse that I've seen in my area. I'm still working my way through my students' pictures and creating a PowerPoint to show what they saw that evening. I attempted to video the event and ended up totally freezing up one camera and missing most of the event with another. Inexperience shows when this sort of event happens. It's too bad they don't occur more frequently so I could become an expert! At any rate, my students enjoyed what they saw and were really enthused about the opportunity. Many really surprised me with what they did to see the eclipse and get me the pictures. I have a pretty good bunch right now.
I guess that's it for the PM. Nothing really outstanding that needs aired right now. An even keel is nothing really noteworthy, but it does feel pretty darn good.
I hope all is well wherever you call home.

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