Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Great Start

It's been a great start to spring here. The last few weeks have been pretty much perfect. Temps are reasonable and above the norm for this time of year. It's been dry and just about all I can ask for from a driving standpoint. The car's been out most days for the last couple of weeks.
About the worst part has been the amount of dust in the air from all the anti-skid put down through the winter. Keeping that off the car has been about all that's taking a little time so far. The new electric pump is doing its job and doing it well. The idle is up a few hundred RPMs so I'll have to do a little tuning, but that's pretty minor.
I'm working on a new teacher to join the fold. There are a couple of these Gen II cudas available through a good friend that would be perfect for a newbie to enjoy and get started. After riding in my 69 Barracuda (with a big block) and a friend's 69 Dart (with a rollerized 340 and a 4 speed) he seems hooked, but afraid that he doesn't know enough. It's a learning experience, which I started years ago when I bought a 68 Charger only knowing how to change the oil. It's a fun hobby that takes up as much time and money as you allow it to. Starting with a basic runner/driver just gives you the bug and it grows from there, along with the skills and knowledge that not many others have any more. I hope this guy sticks around the district and gives into the need for an old beast to tinker with. That's the really fun part of the old cars. We'll see what happens.
With all going well on the home front, I can't complain about much and don't care to complain about what I can complain about. It's spring. It's beautiful out and all's good here. A little storm might keep the car in tomorrow, but that really doesn't matter. I'm happy.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ahh, Spring

Life is good here. Spring has sprung and all things seem good. I'm currently clearing the brush from around the property, which has been more intense than I originally thought. There's so much dead plant life that I stand about 5 inches above the ground before I've raked up all the tinder. At times it's a little spooky and rainforest-like.
The weather has been great too. It's a little cool, with temps in the 50's to 60's, but so much nicer than it has been. The car has been out nearly every day and not showing any signs of trouble. Occasionally I get some grief from a person or two that don't agree with me driving something like that but when I tell them my mileage and compare that to the mileage of others on he road, it's usually the end of it. At any rate, I like it and will drive it as long as it's feasible. I do have a mountain bike at the ready if things get too rough though ;)
When all is going well, it's nice to relax on the porch with friends and BBQ something while the birds eat and the deer wander by. That's what I did this PM. No work. Just a little food and conversation in an environment that makes me appreciate where I am. All is good as spring bursts onto the scene. Even the trees behind the house are now displaying the colors of their buds. On some, there are some small leaves too. With only 36 more days to work, I can't help but think about summer and all it has to offer. Until then I'll keep doing what I do and pecking away at what I have to do. Good things await.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

All's Good

All is good here. We're experiencing some spring, with relatively warm days (60's) and decent nights (40's) and starting to get outside a little more. This time of year is nice, with the days getting longer, the warmer weather arriving and summer not too far off. On Monday, I finished pluming in a new fuel pump and changed the oil. I started the car, which sprang to life almost instantly, and decided to set it on the ground. Since it started so well and was on the ground, I drove it and ended up putting about 20 miles on it that day after work. It went to work the next day and did about 30 miles today. That's a good sign that summer's coming. The 'cuda's out and about. It didn't get all of the intended upgrades this winter, but it's still roadworthy and will see driving duty any day that the weather isn't too bad.
I also took a day off from my weekend job and shot at a little tournament. I had a a great time and shot fairly well. That was the first trip away from my home course in way too long. I'm looking forward to joining the group that invited me to the last shoot at another in the not too distant future.
There is nothing big that isn't going well right now. All's happiness on the personal front. That's a very good feeling to say the least.
Around the corner is the first day of fishing season, which I usually boycott due to the number of anglers on any given stream. But, soon after that first day, when few others are out, I start fishing and relaxing along the various streams around me and enjoying the best of what this area has to offer.
Take a look around and see what's great about where you are...if there's nothing, find a new place to be or take a closer look.