Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Great Start

It's been a great start to spring here. The last few weeks have been pretty much perfect. Temps are reasonable and above the norm for this time of year. It's been dry and just about all I can ask for from a driving standpoint. The car's been out most days for the last couple of weeks.
About the worst part has been the amount of dust in the air from all the anti-skid put down through the winter. Keeping that off the car has been about all that's taking a little time so far. The new electric pump is doing its job and doing it well. The idle is up a few hundred RPMs so I'll have to do a little tuning, but that's pretty minor.
I'm working on a new teacher to join the fold. There are a couple of these Gen II cudas available through a good friend that would be perfect for a newbie to enjoy and get started. After riding in my 69 Barracuda (with a big block) and a friend's 69 Dart (with a rollerized 340 and a 4 speed) he seems hooked, but afraid that he doesn't know enough. It's a learning experience, which I started years ago when I bought a 68 Charger only knowing how to change the oil. It's a fun hobby that takes up as much time and money as you allow it to. Starting with a basic runner/driver just gives you the bug and it grows from there, along with the skills and knowledge that not many others have any more. I hope this guy sticks around the district and gives into the need for an old beast to tinker with. That's the really fun part of the old cars. We'll see what happens.
With all going well on the home front, I can't complain about much and don't care to complain about what I can complain about. It's spring. It's beautiful out and all's good here. A little storm might keep the car in tomorrow, but that really doesn't matter. I'm happy.

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