Friday, September 22, 2006

A bit tired

At the close of this week, I feel more than a little bit tired. It's nothing in particular, just the accumulation of so many things. More programs have been instituted to better our school, more paperwork is required to document what's happening and more time is required to complete these. It seems that this may be the way things will continue for the foreseeable future. For the first time, I'm seriously wondering whether this is what I want to spend the rest of my working life doing. Don't get me wrong I really like teaching. It's the other stuff that I don't care for and the same stuff that I seem to be required to spend more and more time taking care of. At this point, I've decided that I'll take care of the teaching and my kids before even attempting the other stuff. I put in plenty of time on my own at home to get things done, but this year it doesn't seem like enough: Just not enough time in the day to get it all done. I don't eat lunch, opting instead to either do paperwork or roam the cafe to talk to my kids in a slightly less structured environment. I'm not going to list the new programs, or complain about their implementation, or limitations. I'm just tired today. After finishing an 11-hour day of work, I've just had enough.
On top of the teaching, I'm scheduled to volunteer at our 6th grade camping experience this weekend and next week. It's a great experience for our youngest middle schoolers: a once in lifetime chance for many of our disadvantaged youths. I have no problem being a volunteer there. I think it's a great thing. Some of our sixth grade teachers however believe that their day, by contract, is from 7:30AM to 3:30 PM and that they can't be asked to do any more during this camp experience. That's just sad. I guess even more depressing is that the person in charge of this entire thing is a volunteer who spends countless hours arranging, booking, training and at times begging for help and flexibility. This person is the reason camp is going on this year. If left up to the others, there would be no camp, yet some complain and expect to do nothing that requires extra effort. I suggested that the supervisor just leave it up to the others to do and see what happens next year.
In my opinion, our district spends a fortune on coaches, equipment and facilities that aren't for every kid. This camp is for every child that comes through the district, but relies on volunteers. I feel sorry for the coordinator who tries to keep everyone happy, deal with last minute changes and cancellations while trying not to ask anyone to do anything extra all the while putting in near full 12 months of work to achieve the goal.
Because of these attitudes, I'll be getting to work next Friday at my usual 7-7:15 AM, teaching until 3 or so, going to alternative ed until 6 and then going to camp to help supervise the evening activities and camp fire until 11 or so then driving about 30 minutes or so back home. There just aren’t enough people this year. After that I'll get up and be at my weekend job before 9....I wonder how many of my counterparts, who "can't" work Friday will be working a similar schedule. It is worth it though to keep this program running and showing the kids that there are things to do and simple joys in life.

I feel better just getting that out. Look for more positive things in the near future…this can’t last forever!
I'm going to try and get a good night sleep and see how the world looks tomorrow. I may even take the day off from the weekend work....

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