Monday, September 25, 2006

First night of camp

Last night was my first presentation at camp this year. All went pretty well. Minor issues with equipment of course, but nothing really major. My first two sessions were really good, with kids asking good questions, answering questions and taking part in my program. Only one student asked "How big is your anus?" Of course I answered with some tact and turned his little attempt at a joke around on him :) That was the only issue until the third group. I don't know why, but this group was just way to hyper. After talking to the others who managed the two other space science stations, it turns out that it wasn't just me. This group had prolems throughout the night. My copresenters and I planned changes and ways to deal with these kids and made some changes to the program. It was nearly 11 when I left that session last night.
The look of amazement, the oohs and ahhs make the extra time and the little frustrations worth is good stuff!
I'll write about some other camp stuff another guys won't believe some of the stuff we do! Some might have some interesting reactions ...

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