Friday, September 08, 2006

First Week

This is the end or our first week of school. All in all, things went very smoothly. No real issues. The students have a broad range of personalities. Some are testing the limits, others are doing all that they are asked to do, still others are trying to go unnoticed, quietly sitting through classes. I'm having a little trouble matching my counterpart's speed of teaching this year. In years past, we taught the units at different times. This year, I'm changing to his schedule and using his worksheets, handouts, quizzes, tests and labs. This is a huge change for me: Trying to keep up the pace, while still getting in the note taking, reading, testing and thinking skills. I spend extra time at the beginning, which pays off and I catch up quickly. Using the same materials makes it a bit scary to be behind. My homework may already be done in the other class and handed back, making cheating a big potential issue. The same goes for the tests etc.
These little inconveniences are taking much time and thought to overcome. They are however relatively minor, although it would be nice if some of my ideas and practices would be considered...I guess it's difficult to change after teaching for so many years. I'll still work my methods in and do the best I can with what I've learned. Sometimes the tried and true methods may be better, but education is in a state of constant change. That makes the teachers’ changing and trying new things a prerequisite in my opinion. I can't imagine having all of tests, quizzes, worksheets, handouts and assignments set for the entire first half of the year copied and planned out before school starts...what about what the kids are weak on this year? What about the classes that have lower reading levels than the previous year? What about the disabilities? What about the newest things that are happening?
As you do your plans, don't forget to think about being flexible enough to get to know what your students need and how you can best help them with their education.

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