Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Breathing a Little Easier

Today, is the first day that I'm fully caught up in both of my classes. I just have a little editing and finalizing for one assignment and am off to really good start on this week's stuff. It feels good! Despite two storms passing though, requiring me to shut down and third getting closer, I've completed lots of work today. I'm getting plenty of ideas and things that will be useful next year. I'm happy that I waited until I found a masters program that is useful. The UF stuff has been loads of work, but should pay off with my students in the near future.
On another note, some morons broke into my neighbor's place. They are from out of town and use it as a camp. The worst part of the break in was the window. They must have been spooked and took VERY little. I guess that some druggie was in need of something to trade for his fix. That happens way too much around here. Maybe they picked the place because it looked unoccupied? At least no one was home. With the number of people that are armed around here, break ins can sometimes go terribly wrong. Maybe it's just too much for some people to work, keep a job and buy what they can afford...or get the bank to finance. No matter what, it's sad that this happens. I imagine that we'll have to keep our eyes open and things locked up. My next big purchase (other than spending money on classes) will be a gun safe. It's the one thing that I need to keep what I have out of the hands of some idiot. There's always something.
Well, the lightning is close enough that I have to shut down. That's it for now.

1 comment:

Linda said...

A gun safe sounds like a good idea. My son just bought a gun, at some point he will need to do the same type of thing.