Friday, June 08, 2007

Over and Out

The school year has come to an end. The last day was relatively uneventful, with nothing major going happening. Most kids were well behaved as expected. The only issue for me was my gradebook, which would not cooperate. I'm fairly well cleaned out of my room, with the guitars now residing at home and most of my stuff put away until next year.
Several of previous years' students came back to visit. It's nice to see some that are successful and remember that they like school. I also like hearing about their experiences, which will help me to help the students next year. All in all, a good last week even though it was really hot. Being in a building designed for an AC system and then not putting the system in makes for really poor air flow!
Now I can start getting at the work for my grad classes. I'm a bit behind in both that I'm in now, and start a third on Monday. I hope all works out, but it looks like one busy week for me. At least everyone has been reasonable and understanding about the time required during the last weeks of school.
On a another note, I'm still really loving the portable hard drive. I've passed along the freeware programs that I learned about in the digital photography class, which was very easy from the new device. I now have just about all of my stuff on it(backed up elsewhere of course) and can work at just about any computer that I find. Instead of carrying my bag back and forth, I'd like to tote this little device instead...but I won't look as busy without the big bag full of stuff. I guess little advantages make me happy.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I also have an exernal drive for back up and love it too. I can also carry it if needed. I have my school server file, curriculum file, main desktop machine and laptop all backed up on it. My kids have used it to move music when they get a new computer or have to reformat one. Wouldn't want to live without it!