Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Done, but not...

Well, I'm done for the day. I've done little other than work on the computer. While the new computer makes this soooo much nicer, it's just time that I take care of a few other things. I may be on later, but for now, I'm headed outside to take care of the yard, which should take me until after dinner time. I feel better today about what I have to do for my classes, but still feel a little behind the curve. Hopefully tomorrow will take care of that. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Only time will tell that though. I'll just keep plugging away.
Today I took the portable drive to two other computers for work. Just because school is over doesn't mean that I'm done at the school. I'm still impressed with the ease of use and speed. The possibilities are endless, and they're really pretty cheap! Finding an advantage is great! This has changed the way I do things. I just have to remember to back it up. It was designed for a back up device, not to be the primary storage...so I'm waiting to see how long it lasts.
Now it's off to use the grass killing machine to make the yard presentable. Hope all the springs are fairly well dry by now...but I doubt it.

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