Monday, June 11, 2007

Tired, but still going :)

I took most of the weekend off to train a new employee and help get another caught up at my weekend job. When one person leaves unexpectedly and hadn't been doing all he should have, it's tough. All went relatively smoothly I guess. Changes can be tough to deal with sometimes, but this one is going better than expected. We'll be working on a fund raising shoot for Hunt of a Lifetime for the next month or so. It's quite an undertaking, but for a good cause. One of our shooters lost a son to brain cancer. Before his passing Hunt of a Lifetime took good care of him, so we all volunteer and put on this event to help others. This should become a yearly event. I don't mind the extra work.
Today, I spent a grand total of 35 minutes outside the house...and it was a spectacular day. I'm working on my classes, trying to get myself caught up. I feel very overwhelmed right now. I don't feel connected with anyone in these groups, but I imagine that it's mainly my fault for not being on line as much as I need for each class and not starting things myself. In previous classes, I had to start the ball rolling and connected with at least a few others. So far, nothing in my latest two.
Hopefully, another full day tomorrow will have me where I at least feel comfortable with my classes. That's my goal at least. From here on, I should be in good's hoping!!!


Linda said...

I am going back through my bloglines from my old UF class and was reading your post. Seems others still aren't commenting. That is one of the hardest things of using a blog, if there are not comments it is like talking to yourself.

Linda said...

Looks like you might have the monitor setting on your blog. The comments are not showing up. Could you have to approve them to get them to show??

Linda said...

I take that back. Guess I had to use refresh on my machine. Guess I was out of practice!