Thursday, April 06, 2006

Tech to Use

Tech to Use

This week as I work through the links and lists, I see that there are many creative souls out there. I also get the feeling that I'm more behind than I thought in this area. I was very impressed with some of the webquests, and could implement at least one into what I do already. My bigger concern is that I would like to be able to create these wonders for my own students specifically for what I do.
Another thing that caught me was the virtual field trip section. We live in a small, rural area(about 30 minutes to the nearest movie/mall), which makes the virtual field trip a good idea. We have some history(as most towns do). I am thinking that I could work with our technology education department to create something relating to our "birthplace of the oil industry" heritage, couple that with the geology and local fossil finds, access through hiking and biking trails and canoe views...OK it gets big pretty fast, but the tech ed guys started doing our announcements with recorded video already. Each year more kids know how to edit and create animations here. If we start small, I think it can become quite the project. These other teachers are open to trying just about anything, and I'm pretty sure that I can get my Language Arts teacher on board. Math and Global Awareness are cooperative too. This then leads to the Art department, Music department and so on… Whatever happens from this point on in this class, I have something to "run with"!
Thanks for the links and ideas!


Linda said...

I have written a number of web quests. I find it very useful to be able to write my own, then they fit exactly what I want to do, and the links work (I have to update the links yearly).

I think you would really enjoy doing your own.

MHopkins said...

It looks like I'll be putting time in this summer researching and creating a webquest/tour/project or some combination...ought to be interesting!