Monday, April 03, 2006

UbD Unit start

Here is the unit plan for my first attempt at using UbD. With a little help, I now have a template for this! I now realize that I need to make my units a bit smaller or more specific. I'm attempting to do my entire first unit for next school year in this format. I have been told where I'm starting, so all will be different to me any way...seems like a good time for a complete overaul and re-evaluation of what I do.
It doesn't look nearly as good posted as it did in the template! Any suggestions for attaching a file here?

6-Page Template, Page 1

Unit Cover Page

Unit Title:
Rocks, Minerals and Ore
Grade Level:
8 and 8 Learning Support
Subject/Topic Areas:
Cooling rates, rock vs mineral, practical uses, physical properties, environmental effects
Key Words:
CH 8, 9, 10 vocabulary lists
Designed by:
M Hiokins
Time Frame:
3/22/06 (for use at start of 06-07 school year
School District:
Titusville Area
Titusville Middle

Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):
- Students will be working with rocks, minerals and ore samples, determine origins and methods of formation.
- Students will perform tests on rock and mineral samples, which will be used to complete a Rock Collection, which will contain descriptions of samples, ID tags and a method for organization.
- Students will research an ore/natural resource, determine its uses, how it is obtained and potential environmental hazards that accompany the procurement of the resource.

Unit design status:
In progress

Completed template pages – Stages 1, 2, and 3

Completed blueprint for each performance task

Completed rubrics

Directions to students and teachers

Materials and resources listed

Suggested accommodations

Suggested extensions

Initial draft


Revised draft


Peer reviewed

Content reviewed

Field tested



6-Page Template, Page 2

Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results

Established Goals:
Use the skills gained in a controlled lab environment to create a collection of locally available rocks.
Identify method of formation, physical properties, and identity of samples found.
Determine uses for rocks, minerals and ore.


What understandings are desired?
Students will understand that. . .
- the rock cycle is used to determine the numerous possibilities for a rock during its lifetime
- cooling rates affect texture
- magma is the parent material of all rock
- the importance of RMO in daily life
- there are potential risk to life and the environment in obtaining RMO


What essential questions will be considered?
How/where do rocks form?
How do I tell one RMO from the other?
What processes are at work forming RMO?
What are RMO good for?
What makes RMO valuable?
What do I use that comes from RMO?

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know. . . K Students will be able to. . .*
- how to organize, describe and categorize RMO found locally
- the processes that form the 3 main rock types
- the difference between R and M
- how to perform physical tests and ID RMO
· explain the formation of 3 rock types
· create and use identification keys
· describe RMO features

6-Page Template, Page 3

Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show that students understand?
Performance Tasks* (summary in GRASPS form):
Rock Collection Final
Mineral Lab 1
Rock Lab 2
Section reviews
Chapter test

*Complete a Performance Task Blueprint for each task (next page)

Other Evidence (quizzes, tests, prompts, observations, dialogues, work samples):
Section quizzes
CH test
Rock collection(tests acquired skills)
Daily observations


Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Self-grade for Rock collection
Exit requests (what could be done to make the unit more useful etc.)

GRASPS Task Design

- Your task is to identify the physical properties of a selected group of mineral samples
- The goal is to become proficient in assessing these characteristics.
- The problem or challenge is no single characteristic will determine what a sample is.
- The obstacles to overcome are deviations in hardness readings, determining what part of the sample to test, coming to a consensus with the group.

- You are a scientist whose job is to identify minerals recently found.
- You have been asked to develop and use a system for categorizing your test results.
- Your job is test these samples, create a chart of physical properties and report back.

- Your clients are fellow scientists.
- The target audience is a group of mineralogists studying possible uses of these minerals.

- The challenge involves dealing with one or two other scientists that may or may not support your findings, which means that you will have to work closely and explain what you’ve done, and listen to what others think.

Product, Performance, and Purpose
- You will create a neat, organized chart of the physical properties you observed with your team,
in order to develop the needed skills for your final project(Rock collection).
- You need to develop these skills
so that you can accurately present your collection of local samples
Standards and Criteria for Success
- Your work will be judged by the given rubric.

1 comment:

MHopkins said...

Thanks for the thoughts...I guess I was trying to do too much with this right now. I'm really interested in using this for next year, but do think that doing this entire unit will be a bit much right now. I'll work on narrowing my topics...and see what happens.
As far as the attachments go, I'll have to work on your ideas to see what I can do.
Thank you again.