Saturday, May 19, 2007

Still Plugging Away

This week has been full of good and not so good. After the arrival of the computer, it was time to get things working like I need them to work. Today, I finally managed to get Acrobat Reader to install. I guess it has issues with my OS. A little research worked well and I'm now reading what I need to for my classes. I'm still stuck on figuring out how to watch my intro's to the classes though and working through that now. Other than that the new system is great, but is taking a little getting used to. It's just different enough to make me think about where things are before going to them. I'm sure it will become "natural" in time. I still haven't retrieved anything from the old computer yet. That's a "not so good" thing. I need some of that stuff, but haven't gotten around to slaving the drives(I had two in the old computer) to my new one to transfer the data.
My grade took their field trip on Friday. It was new one for all the teachers to try. Due to expenses, funding cuts, and a lack of fund raising by our students it was scaled back a bit. We were to start the day with an Imax about Everest. In science we reviewed what we had learned about plate tectonics and how the mountain is being formed. Other classes looked into other aspects. When we arrived, were seated and the intro started it was obvious that something wasn't right. We watched a movie on the migration of various creatures throughout the world. While it was a fine movie, it wasn't what was expected at all. It confused all of us. I haven't heard a good explanation yet, but I'm sure something must have happened to the intended movie. Oh well.
The rest of the day went well, with very few problems. It was much closer to home and helped to show kids that there are things nearby that are fun and easily accessible. I gave the digital camera to a student at the start to get some shots that students might like. An hour later I checked in with that student and found only two pictures taken...I quickly found a new photographer and ended up with over 150 pictures! That's what I wanted! Many aren't too good or useful, but most are great. They'll be added to the end of the year slide show. All in all a good but tiring day. The teachers will pass out surveys for the students to determine thoughts about the day and later meet to plan changes for next year and see what really worked well/what we really don't want to happen next year. Hopefully we'll spend most of the time on the positives not the negatives...but I know where we'll end up.
A worker quit where I work my second job. It was sudden and completely unexpected(at least to me). I spent most of today catching up what he hadn't done and am working with my bosses to determine where we go from here. Life is interesting to say the least!
I'll miss the first car show of the season tomorrow due to a leaking and stubborn steering box. It just doesn't want to separate from the rest of the car. Oh well, it's just another day and I'll save money on gas! maybe I'll make the next one. Besides, I have to do two people's jobs tomorrow anyway and really don't have the time to prep the car or drive to the show. It'll all work out I'm sure.

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